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Gifts & Donations

Parish Churches are not centrally funded by the Church of England and do not receive any financial support from the taxpayer.

Care and maintenance of our ancient Grade 1 listed building remains the responsibility of the congregation which, as with many rural churches, is small.

We depend upon and are grateful for the generosity and support of those who both use and visit our beautiful Parish Church to help us to maintain and repair the fabric so that future generations may enjoy the blessings that we hope you will have experienced here.

You can donate securely online by clicking the button below or using the QR Code -

Donations can be made anonymously and either once or recurring into the general fund or towards a specific appeal, project or purpose.

Perhaps you visited us at a special service over Christmas or Easter, after a wedding ceremony, following a funeral or bereavement, remembering a special anniversary or in the memory of a loved one or you were just passing by and came in to look around to escape from a busy world for a few minutes of peace and tranquillity?

By using and completing a Gift Aid Envelope (available in the pews), we are able to claim back from HMRC, the tax paid on your donation.

This gives us at no extra cost to yourself, an extra 25p for every £1 you donate and provides an invaluable source of additional income for our Parish Church.

Envelopes can be left either on the collection plate or deposited in the wall safe by the South Door.

We also welcome donations towards the upkeep of our beautiful Parish Church by Visa, Mastercard and American Express using Contactless together with Apple Pay and GPay.

Located by the Welcome Table, the machine is easy to use and will be available both for weekday visitors and at services.


If you would like to donate on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly or annually), why not consider joining the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)?

Stocks and shares in an investment account can also be donated, avoiding any capital gains tax that may arise as well as qualifying for full tax relief on the value of the gift. This is a very tax effective way of giving. Please note that investments held in an ISA or Pension Account are not eligible for gifting. If you would like to find out how to do this, please contact the Church Treasurer.

For larger donations or more information,
please speak to either Churchwarden or  Contact Us

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